Our Purchase policy

Below are our Purchase policy between our company and you as a customer

Privacy Policy

If you've landed here, it's a sure sign that you value your privacy. I understand this perfectly, which is why I have prepared this document for you, in which you will find the rules for the processing of personal data in connection with the use of the website www.cleanover.co.uk.
If you have any doubts regarding the privacy policy, you can contact me at any time at info@cleanover.co.uk
Short version - the most important information
I care about your privacy, but also about your time. That's why I have prepared for you a shortened version of the most important privacy protection principles.
1. When making a purchase through the Store, using the course platform, adding a comment, subscribing to the newsletter , or simply contacting me, you provide me with your personal data, and I guarantee that your data will remain confidential, safe and will not be shared with any third parties without your express consent.
2. I entrust the processing of personal data only to proven and trusted entities providing services related to the processing of personal data.
3. I use Google Analytics analytical tools that collect information about your visits to the website, such as the subpages you have viewed, the time you spent on the website and the transitions between individual subpages. For this purpose, Google LLC cookies are used for the Google Analytics service. As part of the cookie settings , you can decide whether you consent to the use of Google Analytics in your case or not.
4. I use my own cookies for the proper operation of the website.
If the above information is not sufficient for you, you will find further details below.
1. Legal basis:
Information is provided on the basis of Art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 94/46/EC (hereinafter "GDPR")
2. Personal data administrator:
The administrator of your personal data is Cleanover , running a business under the name Cleanover , based in UnitedKingdom .

3. Contact details:
The Personal Data Administrator can be contacted via the e-mail address: info@cleanover.co.uk.
4. Purposes and legal basis for processing:
Your personal data will be processed by the Data Administrator for the purposes of:
a. providing services offered in the Store - legal basis: Art. 6 section 1 letter b GDPR; b. fulfilling your orders, conducting courses, training or other activities on your behalf, in accordance with the services you purchased - legal basis: Art. 6 section 1 letter b GDPR; c. creating and maintaining your User Account - legal basis: Art. 6 section 1 letter b GDPR; d. publishing your opinion or comment on the website - legal basis: Art. 6 section 1 letter a GDPR; e. providing the newsletter sending service , in accordance with the terms of the contract ( Newsletter Regulations ) - legal basis: Art. 6 section 1 letter b GDPR;
f. considering your possible complaints and claims - legal basis: art. 6 section 1 letter f GDPR; g. tax and accounting administration - legal basis: art. 6 section 1 letter c GDPR; h. pursuing possible claims or conducting debt collection proceedings, if a situation occurs in which the Data Administrator is entitled to such activities - legal basis: Art. 6 section 1 letter f GDPR. Your data may also be processed for the following secondary purposes: archiving data and maintaining compilations, analyzes and statistics - legal basis: Art. 6 section 1 letter f) GDPR , consisting in keeping internal reports and statistics of its clients and completed orders by the Data Administrator.
5. Categories of processed data:
The data administrator processes your personal data, i.e.: a. data identifying the person, including: name, surname, nickname or nickname from social media,
b. address and contact details, including: billing address, residential address and e-mail address, c. the image and voice of a course or training participant (if they are recorded on a video recording of the course or training course). If you place an order as part of your business activity, you must provide the company name, registered office address and NIP number. Providing data is voluntary, but necessary to place an order.
6. Source of data:
We collect personal data only from the data subjects.
7. Voluntary provision of data:
Providing personal data by you is voluntary, but necessary for me to provide services to you and necessary for the implementation of the contract concluded between us.8. Data storage period: Your personal data will be processed by the Data Administrator:
a. for the purposes of implementing the contract and providing services - for the duration of the contract; b. for the purposes of considering complaints and reported claims - until the statute of limitations for potential claims due to data processing violations expires; c. for the purposes of debt collection and pursuing claims by the Administrator - until the statute of limitations for potential claims expires; d. for purposes related to conducting court proceedings - data may be processed for up to 6 years from the date of issuance of a final judgment ending the proceedings; e. for the purposes of creating reports, analyzes and statistics - for the duration of the contract, and then no longer than for the period after which claims arising from the contract expire; f. for the purpose of sending the newsletter - until the contract for sending the newsletter is terminated ,
g. for archival and accounting purposes - after the expiry of the contract, personal data is processed for a maximum period of 5 years, unless the law provides for a shorter period.
Data based on consent will be processed until it is withdrawn. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.9. Data recipients: Your personal data may be made available to entities cooperating with the Data Administrator in order to perform the contract concluded with you. Access to the data processed by the Administrator may be granted in particular to employees and entities acting on behalf of the Administrator, participating in the implementation of the subject of the contract, as well as entities providing accounting, payment , HR and payroll, legal services, etc. for the Administrator.
I entrust the processing of personal data, among others: the following entities: 1. MalierLite Limited, 38 Mount Street Upper, Dublin 2, D02 PR89 Ireland - to use the mailing system if you subscribe to the newsletter ;
2. Stripe (Europe) 9th Floor , 107 Cheapside , London, EC2V 6DN – payment system; Please note that Deso does not process or store your credit card information. After you make a payment, your credit card information is transferred to Stripe , our third-party payment processor.
3. Google Ireland Limited – based at Gordon House, Barrow Street , Dublin 4, Ireland. to use Google services, including e-mail based on Google servers;
4. persons who provide me with services related to technical support of the website or work for me and may potentially gain access to your personal data. All entities to which I entrust the processing of personal data guarantee the application of appropriate means of protection and security of personal data required by law. laws.
10. Rights of the data subject The person whose data
is processed has the right to access personal data and the right to rectify it (when it is inconsistent with the actual situation), delete or limit processing (in cases provided for by law), the right to transfer data and the right raise an objection (to the extent that the basis for the processing of personal data is the legally justified interest of the administrator) to their processing, as well as the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority. To the extent that the basis for the processing of personal data is consent, the person whose data is processed for based on consent, has the right to withdraw it. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. The person whose data is processed may send this data to another data controller. The right to transfer data does not apply to data that constitutes a business secret, may not adversely affect the rights and freedoms of other persons, including trade secrets or intellectual property, and will be implemented to the extent technically possible. The first copy of the data is free of charge. You can exercise the above rights in accordance with the principles described in Art. 16 – 21 GDPR, by contacting me at info@cleanover.co.uk
11. Automated decision-making, profiling
The administrator will not make decisions regarding you in an automated manner, including in the form of profiling. The Administrator does not apply individual price adjustments to specific consumers or specific categories of consumers based on automated decision-making and profiling of consumer behavior .
12. Transfer of data to a third country or international organization.
The Administrator does not transfer personal data to a third country or international organization.
13. Security
I guarantee the confidentiality of all personal data provided to me. I ensure that all security and personal data protection measures required by the personal data protection regulations are taken. Personal data is collected with due care and adequately protected against access by unauthorized persons.
If you want to add a comment, you must complete the form and provide your e-mail address and name. Providing data is voluntary, but necessary to add a comment. The comment system is operated by WordPress . The data is saved in the WordPress database and stored there for the entire period of operation of the blog.
By adding a comment, you provide me with your name and surname, e-mail address, website address and comment content. The system also records the IP address using which you added the comment. The data provided when adding a comment is used to publish the comment on the blog, and the legal basis for their processing is your consent (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR). resulting from adding a comment. The data will be processed for the duration of the comments' existence on the website, unless you previously ask to delete the comment, which will result in deleting your data from the database. You can correct your data assigned to the comment at any time, as well as request its deletion. You also have the rights set out in section 10 above.
15. Image of course participants
If you purchase a Product or Digital Service from me related to participation in an online course or training, I inform you that the course or training may be recorded in the form of a video file recording the course or training, in particular the image and voice of the participants will be recorded course (as long as they have cameras and microphones turned on, and as long as they take an active part in the course), which involves their consolidation and further dissemination, among others, for further sale via the website www.cleanover.co.uk By taking part in a course or training, you agree to the use of your image in the above-mentioned. scope. Detailed information related to the image of course participants will be provided to course or training participants each time before it starts, by e-mail regarding the rules of the course or training, or during the first class or online meeting as part of the course or training.

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