These regulations specify the rules for making purchases in the online store run by the Seller at

The Regulations include information on, among others: how to place an order and conclude a sales contract, methods of delivering products and payments available in the online store, as well as the conditions and methods of providing services electronically. It also contains information on the complaint procedure and the methods and conditions of withdrawal from the contract.
The online store belongs to the CLEANOVER company, contact with the store is possible via e-mail to the following address:
§1 Definitions
The terms used in the Regulations mean:
Seller or Service Provider - owner of the website CLEANOVER company
Customer or User - a natural person, a legal person or an organizational unit that is not a legal person, which is granted legal capacity by special provisions, placing an Order in the Store and making purchases via the Store or using from other Services of the Online Store. Consumer - a natural person concluding a Sales Agreement with the Seller within the Store, the subject of which is not directly related to his/her business or professional activity. Account - a free function of the Store (service) regulated in these Regulations, under which, after By registering or making a purchase in the Store, the Customer gains access to a unique account in the Store, which is an individual set of resources and rights of the Customer and allows him/her access to the purchased Digital Products or Digital Services. Entrepreneur with consumer rights - a natural person concluding a Sales Agreement with the Seller directly related to its business. business, when the content of this contract shows that it does not have a professional character for her, resulting in particular from the subject of her business activity, made available on the basis of the provisions on the Central Registration and Information on Economic Activity. Regulations - these regulations available at www. . in the footer of the website under the link: "Regulations".
Online Store or Store – online store available at www. through which the Customer can purchase specific Products and Services.
Digital content - materials produced and delivered in digital form available in the Store, in particular saved in the .PDF, .MP3, .MP.4, .EPUB, .MOBI, ZIP formats intended for sale, in particular: e- books (materials electronically for download), recorded courses, masterclasses or online meetings, documents and electronic materials related to participation in a given course or group on a social networking site , available for download or made available in the Customer's Account, after receipt of payment by the Seller.
Product – products listed, described and presented in the Online Store, including Digital Content, Online Services and Digital Services.
Online service - a service provided by the Service Provider to the Customer remotely (online) in connection with the nature of the Products sold and in accordance with their description in the Store or a separate individual contract concluded between the parties. Online Services may include: individual mentoring , online courses, online consultations, masterclasses , masterminds , individual chart analysis and other online (live) services, if any.
Digital service - a service that allows the consumer to: a) produce, process, store or access data in digital form, b) share the use of data in digital form that has been sent or created by the consumer or other users of this service, c) Other forms interaction using such data. Sales Agreement - a Product sales agreement concluded between the Seller and the Customer via the Store. Order - an action, declaration of will of the Customer aimed directly at concluding a Sales Agreement with the Seller and providing a service to the Customer, under the conditions specified in these Regulations, clearly specifying the type, quantity of Products and any other information regarding the purchased Product. Distance Agreement - an agreement concluded with the Customer within the Store, without the simultaneous physical presence of the parties, with the exclusive use of one or more means of distance communication up to and including the conclusion of the agreement .
Payment - payment to the Seller's account via online payment methods available in the Store. System - a set of cooperating IT devices and software, ensuring processing and storage, as well as sending and receiving data via telecommunications networks using a terminal device appropriate for a given type of network ( Internet).
§2 General Provisions
The online store is available via the website
These Regulations define the rules for using the Online Store and the rules and procedure for concluding Sales Agreements with the Customer at a distance via the Store. It is addressed to both Consumers and Entrepreneurs with consumer rights using the Store. These Regulations specify in particular: the types and scope of services provided electronically as well as the rules for concluding Sales Agreements concerning specific Products (Digital Content and Online Services), methods of placing an Order and concluding a Sales Agreement, forms of delivery and payment available in the Online Store, terms and conditions of using the Store, terms and conditions of publishing opinions in the Store, rights and obligations of the Seller and Customers, complaint procedure and procedure for withdrawing from a distance Agreement, information regarding resignation from online Services. The Regulations are addressed to both Consumers and Entrepreneurs with consumer rights who use the Store, place an Order or conclude a Sales Agreement with the Seller, an agreement for the supply of Digital Content or the provision of Online Services. The condition for using the Store by the Customer is and sale of Products by the Seller to the Customer is to read the content of the Regulations and accept it. By accepting the Regulations, the Customer agrees to all its provisions and undertakes to comply with them. Information about the Products provided on the Store's websites, in particular their descriptions, technical parameters and prices, do not constitute an offer within the meaning of the Civil Code, but are only an invitation to conclude a contract. within the meaning of Art. 71 of the Civil Code. The Service Provider does not apply individual price adjustments to specific consumers or specific categories of consumers based on automated decision-making and profiling of consumer behavior .
§3 Services provided electronically
1. Through the Store, the Seller provides electronic services and Digital Services to the Customer, including: running an online store, enabling the Customer to place an Order, running a course platform within the Account, in which links to meetings, live Online Services will be published, and then links to recordings from these Online Services (if the description of the Online Service provided so), o maintaining and enabling Customers access to the Account and purchased Products, o enabling the Customer to view the history orders in the Account, to enable registration and sending of a free newsletter .
2. Via the Store, when placing an Order in the Store, the Customer may additionally subscribe to the newsletter in order to receive information from the Store to his/her e-mail address, including: about new products and promotions in the Store. Subscribing to the newsletter requires:
o having an active e-mail address and providing it when placing an Order, o confirming consent to receiving the newsletter ,
o reading and accepting the " Newsletter Regulations " available when providing data for the newsletter and giving consent to use this service.
3. Upon subscribing to the newsletter , an agreement for sending digital content ( newsletter ) is concluded between the Customer and the Seller , in accordance with the " Newsletter Regulations ", available on the Store's website.
4. A customer who has subscribed to the newsletter may unsubscribe from receiving it at any time by clicking on the link included in each message sent as part of the newsletter - which will constitute an immediate termination of the " newsletter delivery agreement " between the customer and the Service Provider.
5. The Seller takes steps to ensure the full proper functioning of the Store and the course platform. The Customer should inform the Seller about any irregularities or interruptions in the operation of the Store or the course platform.6. In order to ensure the Customer's safety and transfer of data in connection with the use of the Store and its functionalities, the Seller takes technical and organizational measures appropriate to the level of threat to the security of the services provided, in particular measures to prevent the acquisition and modification of personal data by unauthorized persons.7. Due to important reasons, in particular: the need to improve and ensure the correct and safe operation of the Store, the Seller reserves the right to periodically disable the availability of the Store in order to expand, maintain or update it, about which the User will be informed by e-mail or on the Store's website. 8. If the Seller decides to terminate the provision of services or the sale of Products by closing part or all of the Store, he or she will inform Customers about this by publishing appropriate information on the Store's website and sending e-mail messages. If the Customer has an active Product or Digital Content in the Customer Account, the Seller undertakes to provide the possibility of downloading the above-mentioned. Digital Content or the Product for a period of 7 (seven) days from the Customer's receipt of an e-mail with information about the possibility of downloading, or the Seller will provide a replacement tool with access to them for the period specified in the Sales Agreement, of which he will also inform the Customer by e-mail.
Types of Digital Content available in the Store
1. The Seller sells Digital Content as part of his business and through the Store, in particular: e- books ,
recorded courses or other online events, documents and electronic materials related to participation in a given course, online event, challenge or group on a social networking site or messenger,
other Digital Content described in the Store, the use of which is regulated below in the Regulations.2. Digital content is in electronic form, in particular it can be saved in the following formats: .PDF, .EPUB, .MP3, .MOBI .ZIP, and is not saved on any material medium. Information about the format of a given Digital Content is always included in the Product description.3. Withdrawal from the contract for the supply of Digital Content or resignation from the concluded contract will not be possible after delivery of the ordered Digital Content if the conditions described in the Regulations are met.
§4 Rules of using the Store
1. The Customer may use the Store only for his or her own use. It is prohibited to use the resources and functions of the Store to conduct commercial activities or activities that would violate the interests of the Seller.2. As part of the use of the Store, as well as as part of the Customer's use of the methods of communication proposed to the Customer by the Seller (e.g. through groups created and made available to the Customer on a social media platform or messenger as part of the purchased Product), it is prohibited to provide information of an unlawful nature, including in particular, it is prohibited: o providing and transmitting content prohibited by law, in particular within the Order form and private messages, o sending and posting unsolicited commercial information within the Store or groups on social media and messengers, o using the information provided by the Seller as part of the Product purchased by the Customer, a group on a social media platform or a group in a messenger in a manner inconsistent with the Regulations, the regulations of a given social platform, messenger and applicable legal provisions, o using the Store in a manner inconsistent with the Regulations and legal provisions, o using the Store in a manner inconsistent with disturbing its functioning, to use any content posted on the Store's website or in a group on a social media platform or in a messenger group (which was made available to the Customer as part of the purchased Product) for purposes other than personal use.3. The Seller is not liable for any damages incurred by the Customer due to threats existing on the Internet, such as passwords being taken over by third parties, system hacking, or system infection with viruses.4. The Customer is entitled to use the Store only in a manner consistent with applicable law and the Regulations.5. It is prohibited to use the functionality of the Store in a manner contrary to the principles of social coexistence and good manners.6. It is prohibited to provide any data or content of an unlawful nature, including data that is inconsistent with the facts.7. All data provided by the Customer when using the Services or Store must be true. The customer bears full responsibility for providing false data.
§5 User Account
1. Creating an Account is completely voluntary and depends on the will of the Customer. However, the purchase of some Products may involve the need to create an Account in order to use the purchased Products.2. The account gives the Customer additional possibilities, such as: viewing the history of Orders placed by the Customer in the Store, access to Courses, access to purchased Products or Services, access to obtained certificates, checking the order status or editing the Customer's data independently.3. In order to create an Account, please complete the appropriate form in the Store.4. At the time of opening the Account, an agreement for maintaining the Account is concluded for an indefinite period between the Customer and the Seller on the terms specified in these Regulations.5. Upon creating the Account, the Service Provider sends a message to the Customer to the e-mail address provided in the form confirming the creation of the Account along with the attached Terms and Conditions of the Website.6. The Customer may cancel the Account at any time without incurring any costs.7. In order to resign from the Account, please send your resignation to the Seller at the e-mail address:, which will result in immediate deletion of the Account and termination of the contract regarding its operation.
8. In some cases, deleting the Account may result in losing access to the purchased Products.9. Deleting the Account will not result in deleting information about Orders placed using the Account, which information the Seller will store until the limitation period for claims under the contract concluded through the Store expires or for the entire duration of the Store's operation, unless the Customer objects to the storage of this information and the Seller does not will have an overriding interest in their storage.
§6 Technical requirements
1. The Customer may use the available functions of the Online Store in a manner consistent with the Regulations and applicable regulations and in a manner that does not disrupt the operation of the Online Store and its use by other Customers.2. To use the Services provided electronically and the functionalities of the Store, including browsing the Store's assortment and placing Orders for Products or Services, you need: o Internet access; o a properly configured web browser that supports cookies and JavaScript support - Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Firefox , Safari, Google Chrome;
o an active and properly configured e-mail account.3. Conditions for using Digital Services or Products (in particular e- books , online courses and electronic materials):
if they are made available in the form of a computer file in the following formats, e.g.: .PDF, .EPUB, .MP3, .MP4, . MOBI - having a program that supports such files and the ability to use these programs, if the e- book or electronic material also contains MP4 or MP3 files - having a program that plays these formats and the ability to use these programs;
o in the event that the Digital Content is available in the Account - having a User Account and access to an Internet connection and meeting the technical requirements listed in these Regulations. o in the event that the Digital Content is provided or the Online Service is provided by the messenger or media group indicated by the Seller social media - having an account in a messenger or social media, access to the Internet and meeting the technical requirements listed in the regulations of a given platform.4. The Seller is not responsible for accidents resulting from the Customer's failure to comply with the technical requirements presented in the Regulations necessary for cooperation with the IT system he uses.5. The Seller provides technical measures to prevent the acquisition, modification or distortion of personal data and information by Customers and unauthorized third parties.6. The Seller makes every effort to ensure that the Online Store can be used on all popular types of computers, operating systems and web browsers, but does not guarantee and is not responsible for the possibility and effectiveness of using the mentioned websites in whole or in part using all available tools.7. The Online Store is used via the publicly available Internet, which by its nature does not guarantee the reliability or confidentiality of communication between the Customer and the Store, including the content of transmitted information and the confidentiality of the Customer's data. The protection of the Customer's personal data is carried out in accordance with the principles set out in the Privacy Policy available on the Store's website.8. The Seller declares that he never sends requests for the Customer's password by e-mail.9. The Seller makes every effort to ensure continuous and full availability of the Store at all times.10. The content of Sales Agreements concluded between the Store and Customers is recorded and made available to Customers in an electronic version under the terms specified in the Regulations.
§7 Placing, execution and delivery of Orders
1. The Customer cannot make a purchase anonymously or under a pseudonym.2. The Customer places an Order by: selecting one or more items of Products offered in the Online Store by clicking the available option, e.g. "Add to cart" "Order" "Sign up" "Buy" etc., going to the Cart window and then clicking the " Go to checkout", which directs you to the order form, to correctly complete the electronic Order form, the template of which has been posted in the Online Store, to send the Order form in electronic form from the Online Store website by clicking the "Order and pay" button and accepting all windows, described in section 8 of this paragraph,3. Orders can be placed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week all year round.4. The order will be considered placed if the Order form includes all data allowing for the correct identification of the Customer, including in particular the contact telephone number or e-mail address. If the provided data is not complete, the Seller will contact the Customer. If contact with the Customer is not possible, the Seller has the right to cancel the Order.5. Each correctly placed Order receives a unique code allowing identification of the Order and the Customer.6. The Seller confirms placing the Order via email.7. If it is impossible to complete the Order within the time specified in these Regulations due to the lack of the ordered Product, the Seller will immediately notify the Customer about this circumstance by phone or e-mail, proposing a different date for the Order completion. The Customer has the right not to accept the new Order completion date. Subject to the provisions of mandatory law, including provisions governing liability towards a Customer who is a Consumer or an Entrepreneur with consumer rights, neither party will raise any claims against itself for failure to complete the Order referred to in this section of the Regulations.8. In order to place an Order, the Customer must provide the necessary data in the Order form and accept the Regulations by checking the box marked "I accept the Purchase Regulations and Privacy Policy". Acceptance is necessary to place and finalize the Order.9. Consent to the execution of the Order by the Store by clicking the "Order and pay" button, which indicates the need to pay for the Order.10. When placing an Order - until you click the "Order and pay" button - the Customer has the opportunity to modify the personal data provided by him and the data regarding the Products he has selected, as well as the form of payment.11. If the Customer purchases Digital Content, it is necessary for the Consumer or Entrepreneur with consumer rights to submit a declaration of consent to the immediate performance of the contract for the supply of Digital Content that is not recorded on a tangible medium and to waive the right to withdraw from the contract upon full performance of the contract ( i.e. upon receipt of or access to the Digital Content by the Customer), provided that the Customer wishes to receive the Digital Content immediately after purchasing it.12. If the Customer purchases an Online Service, the provision of which is planned to commence before the expiry of the 14-day period for withdrawal from the contract, it is necessary to submit a declaration of the Consumer or Entrepreneur with consumer rights to consent to the immediate performance of the contract for the provision of the Online Service and to waive the right to withdraw from the contract. the contract upon its full execution (e.g. upon receipt of a link to a live broadcast, group, access to the Online Service, completion of the Online Service, etc.), provided that the Customer wishes for the Online Service to be provided by the Seller to him immediately after its purchase. 13. In the process of placing an Order, the Customer is also obliged to choose the form of payment for the ordered Products from those currently available in the Store.14. The fact of making a purchase is confirmed by an e-mail sent to the e-mail address provided by the Customer in the Order form, containing final confirmation of all important elements and information regarding the Order.15. After the payment is credited to the Seller's bank account, an automatic e-mail is sent containing a link to download/load the purchased Digital Product or instructions for accessing it in the Account.16. The Sales Agreement is treated as concluded when the Customer receives the message referred to in section 16 of this paragraph. The Sales Agreement is concluded in Polish in accordance with the Regulations.17. Delivery of the Product (execution of the Order) will take place as follows: o after paying for the Order (both once and as part of the installment payment), the website redirection to download the Product will be displayed to the Customer immediately after obtaining positive payment authorization. o If the characteristics and description of the Product or The online service stipulates this - access to the Product or Online Service may be granted in the User Account immediately after obtaining positive payment authorization or within the period specified in the Product description, which will be confirmed in an e-mail sent after the Customer has paid for the Order. o When selecting some options payments such as: "Instalments" or "On- line transfer ", delivery should include the time necessary to credit the funds to the Online Store's bank account (usually 1-2 business days).
18. The order processing time is counted from the moment of obtaining positive payment authorization.19. Additional terms of Sale or provision of Services are regulated each time in the description of the Digital Service, Product or Digital Product available in the Store.
§8 Product prices and payment methods
1. All prices given in the Store are gross prices, i.e. they include VAT (tax on goods and services) in accordance with the relevant regulations.2. The Seller reserves the right to change the prices of Products presented on the Store's websites, withdraw and introduce new Products and Digital Products, conduct and cancel all types of promotional campaigns. The above right does not affect Orders that were placed before the date of entry into force of any of the changes.3. The placed Order can be paid for, depending on the Customer's choice, via the Stripe payment platform or another payment platform available in the Order placement process.
4. The Customer is redirected to the payment gateway operated by the payment platform provider, where he selects the payment method and makes payment for the selected Product, in accordance with the instructions of the payment service provider. The customer can also pay by payment card, if this option is available. The payment card operator is the entity indicated above.5. All electronic payments are made in accordance with applicable regulations of payment service providers and legal provisions, and the Seller is not responsible for their accuracy.6. The Seller is not responsible for delays in transferring Payments or authorization responses caused by reasons arising after the Customer has submitted the due funds or verification of data, in particular caused by the Customer providing incorrect or incomplete data that makes it impossible to complete the Payment, as well as for delays resulting from other events. independent of the Seller or payment service provider.7. The Customer may choose the following forms of payment for the ordered Products, if available: o electronic transfer - paid directly to the Seller's account via the payment system. Access to the Product will be granted after receiving and posting the transfer to the Seller's bank account, o via the Stripe payment platform ,
o by using payment cards: Visa, Visa Electron , Mastercard, MasterCard Electronic , Maestro,
Detailed information regarding payment rules and access to a given Product can be found in the description of each Product.8. When paying for the Product, the Customer may use any coupons or discount codes he is entitled to. The discount will be added to the cart.9. For each Product sold, the Seller issues a receipt or invoice.10. The customer consents to the issuance and sending of billing documents electronically to the e-mail address provided by him/her.11. In the case of Orders placed electronically, delivery costs are PLN 0.
§9 Use of Digital Content
Digital content constitutes digital content within the meaning of the Consumer Rights Act.
For the proper use of Digital Content, it is sufficient to meet the requirements set out in §10 "Technical requirements" of these Regulations. Digital Content is deemed to have been delivered when the digital content or the means that allows access to the digital content or downloading the digital content has been made available to the Consumer.
If the Customer is unable to open the file containing the purchased Digital Content, please contact the Seller at
If the nature of the Digital Content requires it, the Customer receives it in a pdf or editable version with the option of adapting it to his or her own personal needs. The Customer may use the purchased Digital Content only for their own use and in accordance with their intended purpose, i.e. play it on the training platform provided on the Website in order to familiarize themselves with the content of the work. The Customer has no right to reproduce, distribute or copy the Digital Content (in its entirety). or in fragments). It is prohibited to change the electronic structure of the Digital Content or make other types of modifications (e.g. removing security measures or markings). It is also prohibited to distribute Digital Content, make it available, disseminate or publicly reproduce it. The Customer is obliged to protect the purchased Digital Content against access and use by unauthorized persons or third parties in a manner inconsistent with the law or these Regulations. If such situations are detected, the Seller may submit claims against the Customer for violating the rights to a given copy of the Digital Content. The Seller does not consent to the recording, preservation and distribution in the form of video or sound recording of the courses conducted by the Seller, provided Services or any other Products made available by the Seller via the Store or Account.
§10 Rules of use and membership in a group on social media or messenger created by the Seller
The Customer may use the content provided or access to a group in a social media account or messenger created by the Seller solely for his or her own use. It is prohibited to use the group's resources and functions to conduct commercial activities or activities that would violate the interests of the Seller.
The Seller does not consent to the recording, preservation and distribution in the form of a video or sound recording of courses conducted by the Seller, the Digital Services provided or any other Products made available by the Seller via a social media group or messenger. The Seller is not liable for any damages which the Customer has incurred in connection with threats existing on the Internet, such as passwords being taken over by third parties, system hacks, or infection with system viruses. The Customer is obliged to use access to the social media group or messenger created by the Seller in a lawful manner, these Regulations, the regulations of the website or messenger where the group was created and good manners, in particular: use the social media or messenger group created by the Seller in a way that does not interfere with the use of the group by other users, and does not violate any rights, goods or interests of persons third parties, not negatively affecting the functioning of the group, not to share access data to the group on social media or messenger to any third parties, not to distribute or make available any content, materials, personal data, posts, comments of other group members or any other content to which the Client obtained access as part of the purchased Product and access to a group on social media or messenger created by the Seller, do not distribute the course or its individual fragments without the prior consent of the Seller. Any data provided by the Customer when using the services of the Seller or a group created by him on social media or in the communicator must be truthful. The Customer is fully responsible for providing false data. In the event of using the group on social media or messenger in a manner inconsistent with this §9, the Seller retains the right to remove the Customer from the group without the possibility of demanding a refund for the purchase of the Product.
§11 The right to withdraw from the contract by a Consumer or an Entrepreneur with consumer rights
1. A Consumer or an Entrepreneur with consumer rights has the right to withdraw from the contract concluded with the Seller via the Store, subject to §12 of the Regulations, within 14 days without giving any reason.2. Subject to §12 of the Regulations, the Consumer or Entrepreneur with consumer rights may, within 14 days of concluding the contract for the supply of Digital Content or the provision of Online Services, withdraw from it without giving a reason, unless the Consumer has consented to the provision of Digital Content or the provision of Online Services. before the deadline for withdrawal from the contract expires, which involves the Consumer or Entrepreneur waiving this right with consumer rights.3. To meet the deadline, it is enough to inform the Seller by way of an unambiguous statement (e.g. a letter sent by traditional mail to the company's address or information sent by e-mail to the e-mail address: before the deadline for withdrawal.
4. In the event of withdrawal from the concluded contract, the contract is considered as not concluded, and the Consumer or Entrepreneur with consumer rights is released from any obligations. The Seller returns all payments received from him, including the costs of delivering the goods (except for additional costs resulting from the delivery method chosen by the Consumer other than the cheapest standard delivery method offered). by the Seller), immediately, and in any case no later than 14 days from the date on which the Seller was informed about the Consumer's decision to exercise the right to withdraw from the contract. 5. The payment will be refunded by the Seller using the same payment methods as those used by the Consumer in the original transaction, unless the Consumer agrees to a different solution, in any case the Consumer will not incur any fees in connection with this return.6. The seller may withhold the refund until he receives the goods or until he receives proof of sending them back, depending on which event occurs first.7. In the case of a contract for the supply of Digital Content or an Online Service, the Consumer may withdraw from the contract if the Seller has not delivered the Digital Content or Online Service immediately after being requested by the Customer or within the agreed deadline.8. The Customer may withdraw from the contract for the supply of Digital Content or Online Service without requesting the delivery of Content or Online Service if: 1. The seller has stated, or the circumstances clearly indicate, that he will not deliver them, or2. The Customer and the Seller have agreed, or it is clear from the circumstances of concluding the contract, that a specific deadline for the delivery of the Digital Content or Online Service was of significant importance to the Customer.9. The consumer bears the direct costs of returning the goods.10. If there is a need to refund funds for a transaction made by the Consumer with a payment card, the Seller will make the refund to the bank account assigned to this payment card.
§12 Exceptions to the right to withdraw from the contract
1. The right to withdraw from a distance contract is not available to the Consumer in relation to the contract for the provision of Online Services for which the Consumer or Entrepreneur with consumer rights is obliged to pay the price if the Seller has fully performed the Online Service. with the express and prior consent of the Consumer, who was informed before the commencement of the service that after the Seller has completed the service, he will lose the right to withdraw from the contract and has acknowledged this, 2. If a Consumer or an Entrepreneur with consumer rights exercises the right to withdraw from the contract after submitting a request that the performance of the online service begin before the deadline for withdrawal from the contract, he or she is obliged to pay for the services provided by the Service Provider until the moment of withdrawal from the contract. The payment amount is calculated in proportion to the scope of the service provided, taking into account the specific price of the Online Service and the value of the Digital Content provided in its performance.3. The right to withdraw from a distance contract is not available to the Consumer also in relation to a contract: in which the subject of the service is a non-prefabricated item, manufactured according to the Consumer's specifications or serving to meet his individual needs. in which the subject of the service is an item that deteriorates quickly or has a short shelf life. use. in which the subject of the service is an item delivered in a sealed package, which cannot be returned after opening the packaging due to health protection or hygiene reasons, if the packaging was opened after delivery. in which the subject of the service are items which, after delivery, due to due to their nature, are inseparably combined with other items, the subject of which are sound or visual recordings or computer programs delivered in a sealed package, if the package was opened after delivery.4. Pursuant to Art. 38 of the Act of May 30, 2014 on consumer rights, a Consumer or an Entrepreneur with consumer rights does not have the right to withdraw from the contract for the supply of Digital Content not delivered on a tangible medium, for which he is obliged to pay the price, if in total: o the Seller has commenced the provision with the express and prior consent of the Consumer or Entrepreneur with consumer rights, o the Consumer or Entrepreneur with consumer rights has been informed before the commencement of the provision that after the performance (delivery of Digital Content to him) by the Seller, he will lose the right to withdraw from the contract, o the Consumer or Entrepreneur with consumer rights consumer rights has taken note of this, o The Seller has provided the Consumer or Entrepreneur with consumer rights with confirmation of the consent given by the Consumer or Entrepreneur with consumer rights to the provision of Digital Content in circumstances resulting in the loss of the right to withdraw from the contract.5. In the event of ordering Digital Content or an Online Service, the Consumer or Entrepreneur with consumer rights who, in the circumstances specified in §12 above, downloads a file or logs in to the Account on which the Digital Content was made available or uses or starts using the Online Service before the expiry of 14 days days to withdraw from the Order, loses the right to withdraw from the contract, in accordance with Art. 38 point 13 of the Act of May 30, 2014 on consumer rights.6. The right to withdraw from the Agreement referred to in section 1 concerns consumer sales, so it applies only to Customers who are Consumers or Entrepreneurs with Consumer rights.7. At the time of purchasing a Digital Product, the Consumer or Entrepreneur with Consumer rights submits a declaration of consent to the immediate performance of the contract for the supply of a Digital Product that is not recorded on a tangible medium and waives the right to withdraw from the contract upon full performance of the contract (i.e. upon receipt of the Digital Product by the Customer).
§13 Personal data and cookies 1.
The administrator of personal data provided by the Customer is the Seller, hereinafter referred to as the Administrator.2. The Administrator undertakes to protect personal data in accordance with the Act of 10 May 2018 on the protection of personal data and the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (so-called GDPR), as well as in accordance with the principles contained in the Seller's Privacy Policy, available on the Store's website.3. When placing an order, the Customer provides his or her personal data for processing by the Administrator in order to process the placed Order. The customer has the opportunity to view, correct, update and delete his or her personal data at any time, as well as to exercise other rights arising from the Privacy Policy.4. Detailed rules for the collection, processing and storage of personal data used to complete Orders by the Seller are described in the Privacy Policy, which is available on the Store's website, in the "Privacy Policy" tab.5. Detailed rules for collecting cookies via the Store are described in the Cookies Policy , which can be found on the Store's website in the " Cookies Policy " tab.
§14 Liability
1. The Seller provides services on the basis of limited information about the Customer. The Seller does not have the Customer's medical history or test results, in particular the Service Provider does not have data regarding the Customer's health condition, medical recommendations, diseases or injuries of the Customer.2. All materials provided by Seller as part of the Services are published for informational or educational purposes only and not for the treatment of any condition or disease. The portal is not a source of medical knowledge. We have made every effort to thoroughly explain the issues presented in the products, but we are not responsible for any errors or inaccuracies that may arise.3. We recommend consulting a doctor regarding the possibility of using the content presented in the materials, opinions or recommendations regarding the symptoms or health condition of the client. The instructions and advice presented on the website do not replace medical advice and are not a substitute for medical advice. This information should be used in conjunction with your doctor's guidance and care. We encourage you to make all decisions regarding your health carefully.4. Results and revenues demonstrated in courses and training and in Product descriptions prepared by Seller are aspirational statements of possible results. The success of in-store courses and training, testimonials and other examples are exceptional results and are not a guarantee that every customer will achieve the same results. Individual results may vary and in particular depend on individual abilities, approach, method and efficiency of work, business skills and experience, level of motivation, diligence in applying courses, economy, normal and unforeseen activities related to running a business and other factors. 5. To achieve the correct results expected by the Seller for the Customer, it is necessary to actively use the Products, in particular performing assigned tasks, including independent exercises, active participation in classes, courses, training and independent work in the manner indicated by the Seller.
§15 Copyrights
1. The Store and all Products sold through it contain content protected by copyright, industrial property law and intangible goods protected by intellectual property law. It is prohibited to reproduce and distribute, in any form or manner, without prior permission, any content contained in the Store, Products, in particular text, graphics, trademarks, logos, icons, photos, programs, etc.2. Texts and photos available in the Store and Products that the Customer can purchase via the Store (e- books , educational materials, online courses) constitute works within the meaning of the Act of February 4, 1994 on copyright and related rights, to which copyright are only available to the Seller.
3. Further dissemination of texts, photos or Products purchased by the Customer without the Seller's consent constitutes a violation of the Seller's copyright and may result in civil or criminal liability.4. The purchase of the Product does not give the Customer any proprietary or personal rights to the Product. The customer may use it only for his own needs.5. The Customer is obliged to use the content of the Store and purchased Products only for permitted personal use.6. Modifying, copying, distributing, transmitting, displaying, transmitting, reprinting, sublicensing, creating collective works from the materials referred to above, as well as sending back and selling these materials is not permitted.7. The Seller reserves the right to place advertising content on the Store's website regarding the services offered, as well as goods and services of third parties, in forms used on the Internet.8. The Seller may also make the resources of the Store's IT system available for the purpose of posting and storing advertising content (which does not have to be related to the Services) by other entities, e.g. Google AdSense . All proceeds from posting and storing advertising content on the Website are exclusively owned by the Seller. Detailed conditions for placing and storing advertising content, as well as payment rules, are each time agreed between the Seller and the entity interested in placing and storing such content.
9. The Seller reserves the right to place " cookies " on Customers' devices in order to facilitate User navigation and proper operation of the Store.
10. Products offered in the Online Store are generally granted a non-exclusive license for an indefinite period of time to use the Products, and the Seller may reserve a date for removal or expiration of access to the Products or Services, which will be indicated in the description of a given Product.
§16 Complaints regarding Digital Content and Online Services
1. In the case of an Order regarding Digital Content or Online Services in the Store, the Customer may submit a complaint, in particular if: o the purchased Product turns out to be damaged or it is not possible to start it, within 24 hours after the Seller receives information from the entity processing the payment about making the full payment for the Product, the Customer will be given the opportunity to activate it.2. Complaints regarding the operation of the Store should be sent to the e-mail address
3. The complaint will be considered by the Seller within 14 days.4. The response to the complaint will be provided using the means of communication through which the complaint was submitted.
§17 Warranty and guarantee
1. The Seller is obliged to provide the Customer with a Product or Service in accordance with the contract.2. The Seller is liable to the Customer in the event of non-compliance of the Product, content or Online Service or Digital Service with the contract (warranty for defects).3. The scope and principles of liability (warranty) for defects are regulated by the provisions of Chapter 5a of the Act on Consumer Rights and the provisions of the Civil Code.4. In connection with the changes in the provisions on warranty and liability for non-compliance of the goods with the contract in force from January 1, 2023, the Seller informs that the existing provisions of the Civil Code on warranty shall apply to contracts concluded before that date (i.e. the provisions in force before January 1, 2023 r.).5. If the Customer finds a defect in the product, he should inform the Seller about it, specifying his claim related to the identified defect or submitting a declaration of appropriate content.6. Complaints based on the warranty may be submitted to the postal address (company's registered office address) or electronically (e-mail:
7. The Seller will respond to the complaint submitted by the Customer within 14 days from the date of its delivery, using the means of communication through which the complaint was submitted.8. The seller is not a guarantor of products covered by the manufacturer's warranty. If the guarantor (manufacturer) grants a warranty, its terms are available for a given product.
§ 18 Promotions
1. The store may organize price reductions, pre-sales, discounts, freebies or undertake other promotional activities (hereinafter referred to as: "Promotions"). Promotions include, for example: product promotions - consisting in a price reduction or lower pre-sale price of a given Product by a specific amount or percentage discount, specified each time on the Product page, value promotions - consisting in reducing the price of the Basket containing the products covered by the promotion by a discount amount or percentage determined each time after adding Products to the Cart and meeting the detailed promotion conditions posted on the Promotion website, for promotional packages - consisting in granting the Customer an amount or percentage discount on a given package (set) of several Products covered by the Promotion. The promotion covers the Products indicated in the promotion conditions.2. The promotion may depend on providing a discount code when placing an order.3. After placing an Order containing a promotional package or set, it cannot be divided.4. If the subject of the Order is a promotional package or set, the Customer's withdrawal from the Agreement, in accordance with §16 of these Regulations, may only apply to the entire promotional package or set. It is not possible to resign from individual Products included in a promotional package or set.5. Promotions in the Online Store cannot be combined unless the terms of a given Promotion state otherwise.6. In the event of a Promotion involving the announcement of a price reduction for Products, the Seller always indicates the lowest price applied by the Seller in the promotional price during the period which cannot be shorter than 30 days before the price reduction is applied.7. The promotions referred to above may be conducted, among others, for a specified period of time, until the stock of Promotional Products lasts or until further notice. If the terms of the Promotion specify a limited number of products covered by the Promotion, the Promotion is valid until the pool of such products is exhausted.8. The terms and conditions of a given Promotion may also be described in the Store when describing specific Products covered by it.
§19 Opinions about products on the website and their verification
1. The Seller allows its Customers to issue and access opinions about Products on the terms specified in this point of the Regulations.2. Opinions are issued only by Customers who actually purchase the Seller's Products or Services.3. Opinions are issued and sent to the Seller via: o An e-mail message from a Customer who reviewed the purchased Product, o Posting a comment by a Customer who purchased a Product or Service from the Seller on a dedicated group of Seller's Customers or on the Seller's social media, o Sending a message by A Customer who purchased a Product or Service from the Seller via the User Account.4. Opinions may be shared directly on the Online Store website (e.g. for a given Product).5. An opinion can only be issued for Products actually purchased in the Store and by the Customer who purchased the Product in question. It is prohibited to conclude fictitious or sham Sales Agreements in order to provide opinions about the Product.6. Adding opinions by Customers cannot be used for illegal activities, in particular for activities constituting an act of unfair competition or activities violating personal rights, intellectual property rights or other rights of the Seller or third parties. When adding an opinion, the Customer is obliged to act in accordance with the law, these Regulations and good practices.7. The Seller ensures that published opinions about the Products come from its Customers who purchased a given Product. For this purpose, the Seller takes the following actions to check whether the opinions come from its Customers: o The opinions are published after prior verification by the Service Provider. Verification consists in checking the compliance of the opinion with the Regulations, in particular in checking whether the person giving the opinion purchased the reviewed Product. Verification takes place without undue delay, based on checking the name, surname, e-mail address, nickname in social media and the fact of purchasing the Product or Service and its type.
o In the event of the Seller's doubts or reservations addressed to the Seller by other Customers or third parties as to whether a given opinion comes from the Customer or whether a given Customer has purchased a given Product, the Seller reserves the right to contact the author of the opinion in order to clarify and confirm that he is in fact a Customer of the Store online or purchased the reviewed Product.8. Any comments, appeals against the verification of the opinion, or reservations as to whether a given opinion comes from the Customer or whether a given Customer has purchased a given Product may be reported by e-mail.9. The Seller does not post or order any other person to post false opinions or recommendations of Customers and does not distort Customers' opinions or recommendations in order to promote its Products. The seller provides both positive and negative opinions.
§20 Out-of-court methods of settling disputes and pursuing claims
1. If the complaint procedure does not bring the result expected by the Consumer, the Consumer may use, among others: z: to apply to a permanent consumer arbitration court to resolve a dispute arising from the concluded contract, to apply to the provincial inspector of the Trade Inspection with a request to initiate mediation proceedings regarding the amicable settlement of the dispute between the Consumer and the Seller, to obtain free assistance from the poviat (municipal) ) consumer ombudsman or social organization whose statutory tasks include consumer protection. o the online ODR platform available at: The platform is used to resolve disputes between consumers and entrepreneurs seeking out-of-court resolution of a dispute regarding contractual obligations arising from an online sales contract or contract for the provision of services.2. Detailed information on out-of-court methods of dealing with complaints and pursuing claims can be found on the website The Seller agrees to submit any disputes arising in connection with the concluded contracts to mediation. The details will be determined by the parties to the conflict.
§21 Final provisions
1. The Regulations and the Sales Agreement are subject to English law.2. Each order placed in the Store constitutes a separate sales contract and requires separate acceptance of the Regulations. The Agreement is concluded on time and for the purpose of executing the Order.3. The Seller reserves the right to introduce and cancel offers, Promotions and to change the prices of Products in the Store without prejudice to the rights acquired by the Customer, in particular the terms of contracts concluded before the change was made.4. In the event of a possible dispute with a Customer who is not a Consumer, the competent court will be the court competent for the Seller's registered office.5. None of the provisions of these regulations exclude or in any way limit the Consumer's rights arising from legal provisions.6. The Seller reserves the right to make changes to these Regulations, provided that the version of the Regulations in force at the time of concluding the Sales Agreement applies to Sales Agreements concluded before the change in the Regulations.7. The new regulations come into force on the day of publication on the Seller's online platform.8. In matters not regulated in these Regulations, generally applicable provisions of Polish law shall apply, in particular: the Civil Code, the Act on the provision of electronic services, the Act on Consumer Rights, the Act on Personal Data Protection and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

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